kohonen_pattern Derived Type

type, public :: kohonen_pattern

Class to represent a container for input data to a kohonen map


type~~kohonen_pattern~~InheritsGraph type~kohonen_pattern kohonen_pattern type~kohonen_prototype kohonen_prototype type~kohonen_pattern->type~kohonen_prototype pattern

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: create => kohonen_pattern_create

  • public subroutine kohonen_pattern_create(current_pattern, input, name)

    Kohonen pattern constructor


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(kohonen_pattern) :: current_pattern

    A kohonen_pattern object

    real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: input

    A real array

    character(len=*), optional :: name

    A character string with the name of the pattern

procedure, public :: destroy => kohonen_pattern_destroy

  • public subroutine kohonen_pattern_destroy(current_pattern)

    Kohonen pattern destructor


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(kohonen_pattern) :: current_pattern

    A kohonen_pattern object

procedure, public :: get => kohonen_pattern_accessor

procedure, public :: set => kohonen_pattern_mutator

procedure, public :: print => kohonen_pattern_print

  • public subroutine kohonen_pattern_print(current_pattern, unit_)

    Subroutine to print a Kohonen pattern


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(kohonen_pattern) :: current_pattern

    A kohonen_pattern object

    integer, intent(inout), optional :: unit_

    An integer variable with the number of the unit where the patterns will be printed

procedure, public :: get_nrow => kohonen_pattern_nrow

  • public function kohonen_pattern_nrow(current_pattern) result(nr)

    Function to calculate the number of rows (samples) in a pattern


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(kohonen_pattern) :: current_pattern

    A kohonen_pattern object

    Return Value integer

    An integer with the number of rows (samples) in a pattern

procedure, public :: get_ncol => kohonen_pattern_ncol

  • public function kohonen_pattern_ncol(current_pattern) result(nc)

    Function to calculate the number of columns (variables) in a pattern


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(kohonen_pattern) :: current_pattern

    A kohonen_pattern object

    Return Value integer

    An integer with the number of columns (variables) in a pattern

Source Code

type kohonen_pattern
!!  Class to represent a container for input data to  a kohonen map
      type(kohonen_prototype) :: pattern
      character(len=NUMCHAR) :: pattern_name 
      procedure,public :: create => kohonen_pattern_create
      procedure,public :: destroy => kohonen_pattern_destroy
      procedure,public :: get => kohonen_pattern_accessor
      procedure,public :: set => kohonen_pattern_mutator
      procedure,public :: print => kohonen_pattern_print
      procedure,public :: get_nrow => kohonen_pattern_nrow
      procedure,public :: get_ncol => kohonen_pattern_ncol
end type kohonen_pattern